Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sick Diets Suck. I Want Watermelon

Well today I joined Minus18, which is a great group for the LGBTI community, sometimes it helps to have friends that know what you're going through and all. Unfortunately it's only in Melbourne (personally I think they should be everywhere) There are places all over Australia... Though I know Sydney's only organization (Twenty-ten) is coming off as a fairly exclusive thing... You know, the whole "If you aren't part of the group, get out!" sorta thing, which is sad ):

The good news is that I am on a strict diet of blueberries, chamomile and peppermint tea, white rice, mashed potatoes without butter or milk, plain toast and good ol' bananas... I'm gonna die DX

There's also Joy 94.9 which is a gay and lesbian radio station  in Melbourne, so if I have any Melbourne readers, give it a listen, the music isn't always good, but the talking is funny and often reassuring. It makes me not want to kill everyone XD so in other words it lifts my mood! You can also listen to it online, so it's not really limited to us Melbourne folk.

Also, so I sound more like an advertisement, I just found out about the Midsumma festival, It's on the 16th of Jan 11am-6pm  I'll be there, and hope you will be there too! :D

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