It's hard enough to come out as it is.
My Story
I grew up without actually knowing what gay and lesbian or even straight meant, and because people talked about it like a bad thing, I thought it was a bad thing, without even knowing that it was just love.
In a way, I guess I always knew I liked women, I liked the way they moved, I liked their figure, the way the talked and smiled, how they acted, and their emotions. Though it took until Year 8 for me to actually figure it out. It took me another year for me to come out to my friends, two years to come out to my close family, three to come out to my outer family. It was a hard thing to do, probably because I have an overactive imagination and constantly predict the worse case situation. But when I did come out to them, it was literally like a weight off my chest. I'm not sure how my family feels about it, but I'm going to take their silence as acceptance.
When I came out to my friends, a lot of them thought it meant that I was interested in them, some realized that I wasn't on their own, others I had to tell. Either way, the ones that accepted it are still my friends now, the ones that didn't, well, I let them leave. I don't need negativity in my life. No one does.
I have been out for almost three years now, and what do I have to show for it?
- A girlfriend I love so much.
- Accepting and helpful friends, who are fun to be around.
- A healthier life, I no longer feel like I have to lie about who I am.
- New friends, who come with me to Melbourne's LGBTI supporting events.
- A smile on my face.
- A passion to help others.
Homophobia causes so much pain and suffering, and unfortunately is indirectly supported by the Government. The lack of equal rights for the LGBTI community is recognized and encourages the hate to spread, a lot of the churches also support this hate. This needs to stop. Remember, you are not alone. Life gets better, so much better. Just keep reaching for the stars, and one day you will get somewhere, you will do something great. Once you grab that star, hold on tight and never let go.
If you need support, or have an issue you want me to write about in my blog please write to me at:
I really hope this helped someone.
Very supportive and empowering. This is my favorite post so far. ^^