Friday, February 25, 2011

Applying for a job?

Well today I'm going to crawl kicking and screaming out of my comfort zone and apply for a job.

"Where?" you ask.
At subway! I get to be a sandwich artist! :D
Okay, I did choose the job mainly on the title... It's pretty awesome huh? And Subway does give slightly better pay than McDonalds (which is my last resort if I don't get this job)

I'm gonna hand it in later today... I need to find a good time to call one of my teachers and the person who took me for work experiance :)
Gosh, I'm so excited and nervous!
All you guys who read my blog wish me luck!

Anyway, on Wednesday I had horse studies all day! We had our lessons out in a place I had never heard of before! (not that I know many places in Melbourne) And naturally I got the train that had a problem with its breaks and missed the bus... The next bus came in an hour! D: I was so worried that I'd be incredibly late! But then a girl walked past me with boots and a riding helmet so I asked if she was going to the same place I was going, turns out she was! :D and we made good friends and got a lift to the center together and brought a frozen coke... Which she finished XD
And I can't remember her name ._. I'm such a bad friend.

Anyway, that day was an AWESOME day, only the day after I was sooooo sore from all the exercise! Maybe my new years resolution should have been to get fit.

I'm actually on top of my homework for once, which amazes me.

And what sort of idiot thinks it's alright to catch a baby bird, run around screaming with it, attract lots of attention so everyone wants to see the baby bird, and then thinks it's alright to take it home with them? I mean it wasn't much of a baby anyway, the pigeon was about 14cm tall! Almost an adult. It would have known how to survive. There are plenty of bushes for it to hide in, lots of food for it to eat, shelter. So pretty much its only risk was a flying ball! And then some giant idiotic thing decides to fuck up its life by running around and screaming with the already terrified bird, then taking it home and putting it behind bars? Does he think he has improved that pigeons life? That bird is 100% more likely to die now because of him. And I seriously want to scream at him for it. I hate him so much.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


People usually learn many things in kindergarten, like how to say your ABC's, count to 10, finger painting and knowing that cows go moo while listening to music that would make any grown human go crazy. But not me. No, I learnt that chickens are scary and dangerous creatures. They had one at the kindergarten I went too, I swear it had something against me because it would always chase me! And as the fraidycat child I was, I ran from it. Eventually I got a bit smarter than the hen, I didn't go outside, instead, I stayed inside playing with the toy farm animals. Because that was the safe thing to do.
I was a smart kid.

Anyway, lately life has been very very busy. Lot's of homework! (Damn you VCE) I'm still struggling to keep up with it all, but I think I'm doing pretty good so far :)

Yesterday I went to see Black Swan with M. I have to say I was disappointed, it was just another movie about a girl that hallucinates. Only this time with a weird mother and a ballet dancer! Yeah... Not too great.

My rooms actually spotless for once in its life! Pretty much because girlfriend convinced me that it needed cleaning before she came over >_> She can be awfully convincing she can!

I honestly don't know what else to say, so I will leave you with this:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today will be my valentines day!

Yes. Lately all the stresses between me and girlfriend have died <3 So I'm officially classifying this as valentines day! :D And some day I'll get the rose plushie she got me <3 I can't wait til she comes down in april! Supanova and my birthday all in one go! :)

Anyway, here's a belated valentines comic
So yes :) to see more works from the artist go here :)

Uhm, today I spent the entire day in hospital, my feet are going inwards and they thing there is something up with my bones or something, I had x-rays and other shiz... There is a slight chance of surgery, but I won't know for sure until the 3rd of March! D: I'm scared. I hate surgery!

I also went to horse land for a helmet and riding boots :) I need them for my horse studies, but I also plan to get riding lessons, anyone know an affordable $50-$75 riding school that you can get to by public transport?
I also got a huge set of pencils! I'm going to try lots of different things with them :)

Anyway, aside from that, my day hasn't been awfully interesting.
Video of the day :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

I wish valentines day didn't suck so much.

Girlfriend knows how much I was looking forward to valentines day... She was in a shit mood and got all grumpy. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm crying about it. It was such a disappointment. It just hurts. Was it too much to ask for that one day to be good? I honestly thought I'd go to bed smiling for once.
I can't take everything anymore. I'm afraid I'll get so depressed that it will get much worse.
I have days where I don't want to be alive.

Self absorbed

I feel like I'm hearing these on a daily basis.
Most of you who read this will know I'm depressed, most of you will think it's because of my ex. But no. That may have raised the stress anxiety and depression, but it wasn't what caused it.
To be honest, I blame the surgery I had in 2008. But even then I can't be sure, I had people pointing out everything that was wrong with me, like the hunch I used to have. So every day I would look in the mirror and see exactly what was wrong with me. That hurt. After the surgery I spent a lot of time alone, and personally, I don't deal with loneliness well, neither do I deal with people treating me like I don't exist. Which also happens frequently the frequent "Oh! Lizzy! I didn't know you were here!" called out by the teacher, it makes me feel invisible. I'm always nervous about everything, what people think, or say about me, I get stressed out, to the point where I can't sleep, I cry, have panic attacks, but I don't sleep. It's taking it's toll on my grades, on the people around me.... And I feel like a horrible person when I try to talk to my girlfriend about it.

I just want to go back to a couple of years ago. When everything was perfect. When people would tell me what's going on instead of closing me out of their lives. Because that is what hurts the most.

Sorry for the rant. It needed to get out of my system.

An amazing song and video. It actually cheers me up a bit.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pride and Homophobia

Alright, I didn't talk about this before because I forgot, but last weekend I went to the Melbourne LGBTI Pride March :) I can not explain how amazing it was. I made a bunch of new friends, ran into old ones, met ones I had met through Minus18. They kept this very lively atmosphere! It was amazing, and I have never in my life felt so instantly welcomed amongst a group of strangers and almost strangers. I guess that kinda made my day.

At first me, D and C got completely lost on our way to Pride, and ended up stalking a group of people that appeared to be going to the pride march... Then after it was apparent that they were lost too, I was told to talk to them because apparently I have a ''cute voice'' ....Yeah right. Anyway we made friends with them (and I'm kinda hoping I run into them at the rally because I couldn't remember there names D:)

Anyway, I saw heaps of cool stuff, like brides on stilts, the drag queens I just LOVE! <3 "Dykes on Bikes" which was really cool! Girlfriend has her learners for her orange moped. It looks like an alien :3 I shall call it the little orange alien from now on!

Anyway we marched all the way down the a festival with everyone standing at the sides and cheering us! There was only ONE protester! And you couldn't even hear him over the cheering :)

And I got a rainbow flag! It now hangs proudly in my room, next I'll get the rainbow wallet :3

Of course I was taken down a bit when later on in the week I heard these two guys on the bus spouting a sh*t load of homophobic bullsh*t, it's probably the worst I've ever heard! It made me want to cry. I also wondered if the guy they were talking about wanted to kill himself or was major depressed =\ because if they talked about it like that, I wondered how they would act around him. It seriously makes me sad when I see two kids around the age of 15 acting with such a closed minded homophobic attitude. I seriously hope I never have to hear anything like that again. So what did I do about it? First I txt'd girlfriend saying "Two homophobic PR*CKS sitting behind me" and flashed it around so they could obviously see it. Then I turned around and said "People have killed themselves because of people like you. Would you f*cking listen to yourselves? Shut up." :) I then got into a long and heated argument with them, and then as they got up to get off the bus one tried to spit on me, which I saw coming and defended myself with my diary.
I don't regret doing what I did. And I'd do it a thousand times over, no one deserves to be treated like sh*t, and no one deserves to hear that sh*t coming out of someones mouth.

Anyway, on a positive note, GIRLFRIEND IS PLANNING TO COME DOWN TO MELBOURNE FOR THE HOLIDAYS! :D Gosh, I'm so excited <3
I get to call her and have a lovey conversation with her on Valentines Day after all <3 soon will come a day when I can cuddle her on Valentines Day too!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ack! Music theory

So I've only just started my music class, and I already how I'm failing. So I am putting all my effort into studying from various sites that people have recommended, I'm so lost it can't even be considered funny... Yet people still laugh at me. It's rather intimidating, because all these people in my class are AWESOME at music theory... just bad at explaining it to me. I'm going to seriously have to start getting better with this, I want my teacher to stop looking at me with that hopeless case look she gives me! I'm a singer! We don't learn as much theory! D:

I'm going to be learning guitar again in a couple of weeks time :) My friend B has promised that he would teach me if I pay him $10 each lesson! Maybe I could be one of those awesome singing and guitar playing people you see on youtube... It's not as easy as it looks. Trust me. I have tried it.
Check out this awesome and pretty youtube singer!
Seriously, who can call themselves a performer if they haven't performed Iris? :) It's an amazingly beautiful song! And you have to admit, she's pretty damn amazing herself!

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what songs I should learn in my singing classes, so far my ideas are:

Daughters – John Mayer
Behind Blue Eyes – The Who
Like a star - Coinne Bailey Rae
The Pot - Tool

Any suggestions are more than welcome!
And for now, farewell!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Homophobia... Why?

Okay, I want to start off with talking about why I chose this name for my blog, Lovely Lesbian, it's not because I'm full of myself and calling myself lovely, it's more of a statement. Just because someone is from the LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex) community does NOT make them evil, and the fact that a lot of people think that they deserved to get bullied and HARNESSED to the point where they are either miserable or suicidal, well, it's not right. It hurts. And I can tell you, no one I know who is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex, they are all lovely, and NONE of them deserve to get treated the way they do.

It's hard enough to come out as it is.

My Story

I grew up without actually knowing what gay and lesbian or even straight meant, and because people talked about it like a bad thing, I thought it was a bad thing, without even knowing that it was just love.
In a way, I guess I always knew I liked women, I liked the way they moved, I liked their figure, the way the talked and smiled, how they acted, and their emotions. Though it took until Year 8 for me to actually figure it out. It took me another year for me to come out to my friends, two years to come out to my close family, three to come out to my outer family. It was a hard thing to do, probably because I have an overactive imagination and constantly predict the worse case situation. But when I did come out to them, it was literally like a weight off my chest. I'm not sure how my family feels about it, but I'm going to take their silence as acceptance.
When I came out to my friends, a lot of them thought it meant that I was interested in them, some realized that I wasn't on their own, others I had to tell. Either way, the ones that accepted it are still my friends now, the ones that didn't, well, I let them leave. I don't need negativity in my life. No one does.

I have been out for almost three years now, and what do I have to show for it?

  • A girlfriend I love so much.
  • Accepting and helpful friends, who are fun to be around.
  • A healthier life, I no longer feel like I have to lie about who I am.
  • New friends, who come with me to Melbourne's LGBTI supporting events.
  • A smile on my face.
  • A passion to help others.
Homophobia causes so much pain and suffering, and unfortunately is indirectly supported by the Government. The lack of equal rights for the LGBTI community is recognized and encourages the hate to spread, a lot of the churches also support this hate. This needs to stop. Remember, you are not alone. Life gets better, so much better. Just keep reaching for the stars, and one day you will get somewhere, you will do something great. Once you grab that star, hold on tight and never let go.

If you need support, or have an issue you want me to write about in my blog please write to me at:

I really hope this helped someone.

Friday, February 4, 2011

David Bowie

David Bowie had the poofy Scene hairstyle before 'Scene' existed! And his outfit would be super stylish in todays day and age :) tight pants, tucked in loose clothes are all the rage now after all (it's scary because its true!)

Anyway, I love David Bowie, he is amazing :) Especially in The Labyrinth! <3 The Goblin King!
I got the Labyrinth album when I was in Sydney last, it's still a big favorite of mine! <3
And if you don't like Bowie... Shame on you!

Anyway, we had a major storm in Melbourne thanks to the Cyclone that hit Queensland a couple of nights ago. It was a terrifying storm, thunder and lightning... EVERYTHING! Anyway, you can imagine my surprise when I went outside to see my entire street flooded!
Here are some photos taken by others:
So yeah, that was a major shock. Apparently there is more to come, take a look at this:
So yeah. Safe to say I'm freaked out!
But Bowie will calm me :)

You remind me of the babe
(What babe?)
Babe with the power
(What power?)
Power of Voodoo
(Who do?)
You do
(Do what?)
Remind me of the babe

I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry
What could I do?
My baby's love had gone
And left my baby blue
Nobody knew

What kind of magic spell to use
Slime and snails
Or puppy dog tails
Thunder or lightning
Then baby said......
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Put that baby spell on me
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Put that magic jump on me
Slap that baby, make him free

I saw my baby, trying hard as babe could try
What could I do?
My baby's fun had gone
And left my baby blue
Nobody knew

What kind of magic spell to use
Slime and snails
Puppy dog's tails
Thunder or lightning
Then baby said....

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Put that baby spell on me

Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Put that magic jump on me
Slap that baby, make him free

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Put that baby spell on me (ooh)

You remind me of the babe
(What babe?)
The babe with the power
(What power?)
Power of Voodoo
(Who do?)
You do
(Do what?)
Remind me of the babe

Dance magic, dance, ooh ooh ooh
Dance magic, dance magic, ooh ooh ooh
Dance magic

What kind of magic spell to use
Slime and snails
Or puppy dog tails
Thunder or lightning
Something frightening

Dance magic, dance
Dance magic, dance
Put that baby spell on me

Jump magic, jump
Jump magic, jump
Put that magic jump on me
Slap that baby make him free

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Jump magic, jump
Put that magic jump on me
Slap that baby

Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic
Slap that baby make him free
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)


My internet was down again!! D: This time for four days! I have never missed my laptop so much.

Anyway, I did my English homework (in half an hour...possibly a bit rushed XD)  and then discovered that I had an extra weekend to do it all -_-" Why, God, why do you hate me so?

Anyway, it was my first day of school today, mum gave me some herbal tablet to help me cope with anxiety (which has been a major issue at the moment) the result was it made me sleepy ALL day! Thank heavens I only had one class... That the teacher never asked me questions on! I now have to learn the key signatures DX I have no idea how to do that!! And two scales before the next class. baaahhhhh!

Saw my ex for the first time since I broke up with him... It was weird. He kept finding reasons to come up to me. Which was annoying as all hell, considering I didn't want to see him, thank god he didn't talk to me though! Apparently he regrets what he has done... I don't really give a sh*t though. I can't forgive him for being the reason why my girlfriend stressed out to (what sounded like) tears! F*ck I am so upset about that. he added her on a fake account "Spicyrice pot" or something like that -_- I pretty much sent him a message saying:

"Dude, I know who you are, why the F*CK did you add my girlfriend?"

I think he may have gotten the picture :3 So that's that problem solved. No more stress from that! yay!

I wish I could be a cat some days... No worries in the world :) utter peace.