Urgh. Once again I am using this blog to vent frequent daily frustrations in hope that it eases my mind... If only a little.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone that goes something like this?
You: Hey! How are you? :)
Person: Good. u?
You: Good! What have you been up to?
Person: nm u?
You: well I did this this and this, do you wanna hang out later?
Person: k.
...And the conversation tends to go downhill from there, you are all active in the conversation and the other person is responding either with one word answers, not at all, or replying with stuff that seems emotionless. And don't give me that "There are no emotions in words" bullsh*t. There are emotions in books after all!
When I get conversations like that from someone I care about/talk to frequently I worry that I have done something wrong, or they are just randomly pissed off at me. They may not me, but that is the feeling I get, and so I stress out.
Conversations like that have been happening a lot to me lately, from multiple people. I dunno, it may be because of the hormones from the pill, that I have been really stressed out lately... But it's really starting to get to me. I guess I'm just feeling rather alone at the moment.
Sorry for the depressing blog entry.
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